Welcome, Eddie!

We’re excited to introduce Eddie, one of our winter interns! Learn more about his role as an intern, why he is excited to work for Holistic, and who he admires most.

Tell us about your role as an intern at Holistic. What do you do? Who do you work with?

I am currently a data intern at Holistic, however, I am also excited to explore the other aspects of the firm’s operations as well. I primarily work with the Holistic data team, helping them to process and analyze the client data that we receive.

Where do you currently go to school? What do you study? Can you share a few of your career goals with us?

I am a junior studying Economics and Computer Science at Northwestern University. I picked these two majors because these fields of study reflect my interests in business and data. However, I really care about forming deep relationships with people and working in teams to complete projects. And so, I want to pursue a career that not only reflects my technical interests but also allows me to interact with real people on a day-to-day basis.

What makes you excited about working for Holistic?

I am excited by Holistic’s mission to help clients build better and inclusive organizations. Holistic’s emphasis on bringing people together while also using data to enhance those experiences aligns strongly with my passion for people and data. Also, I am excited to work in a developing startup environment that not only seeks to help clients and their businesses but also to contribute to greater social change in the world.

What do you do for fun?

I enjoy looking at different kinds of maps, browsing through random articles on Wikipedia, gardening, and watching football. I’m really hoping the Packers win the Superbowl this year :)

Who is someone you admire?

I really admire my parents. They have very strong work ethics and care deeply about their family and friends. They encourage my sister and me to respect and care for other people. For me personally, I hope to be an example of their generous and kind spirit.

What are you listening to at the moment? Watching? Obsessed with?

I don’t really listen to a lot of pop music but I really enjoy Olivia Rodrigo’s music. It’s really crazy to see someone so talented at such a young age. I also love watching Christopher Nolan’s movies as well! (My favorite of his film is Memento)