Intern Highlight: Mara Klein

We’re excited to introduce Mara Klein, one of our summer interns! Learn more about her role as an intern, what she does for fun, and her future career goals.

Tell us about your role as an intern at Holistic. What do you do? Who do you work with?

I am a data intern at Holistic that focuses on data visualization, reporting and survey management. I work with the data team and connect a lot with the data team lead, Sunny, as well as other interns at Holistic. I’m excited to learn more about the data process and work with all the incredible people at Holistic!

Where do you currently go to school? What do you study? Can you share a few of your career goals with us?

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I currently go to UNC Charlotte and study business analytics and management information systems. I would love to finish school and have the opportunity to invest in real estate, continue my analytics and data science education, and possibly pursue a graduate degree in the future. 

What makes you excited about working for Holistic?

I was so excited about the opportunity to work with Holistic because most of my education has been focused on the business and operations side rather than the employee and employer side. Having a focus on DEI is something that I’m incredibly passionate about and something often overlooked in a traditional business school education. It’s exciting for me to shift my focus and start thinking about other aspects of what makes up a healthy and diverse company. 

What do you do for fun?

I love to cook at home and also find amazing local eats around Charlotte. I was a barista for years so I love to try new local coffee shops with my friends or walk my dog around downtown. I’m always on Yelp trying to find my next favorite restaurant or coffee shop!

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Who is someone you admire?

I greatly admire my mom. While growing up she was an art teacher at a local charter school, and seeing how much her students loved being in her class and watching her love for art inspire others was always amazing to see. I noticed how giving kids a place to express themselves was invaluable and changed their level of confidence and belonging. 

What are you listening to at the moment? Watching? Obsessed with?

Currently, I have been obsessed with the early 2000’s! I have been watching feel-good movies like Legally Blonde, 13 Going on 30 and The Devil Wears Prada. I have also been listening to super nostalgic music lately. It sounds crazy, but I guarantee if you listen to “Nobody’s Perfect” by Hannah Montana or “Vogue” by Madonna you will feel absolutely fabulous and unstoppable.

Thank you for all you do, Mara!