Meet Guthrie: Our New Consultant!

We’re excited to introduce Guthrie Blechman, one of our new consultants! Learn more about their background, current role, and hobbies in this interview.

Tell us about your new role at Holistic. What do you do? 
I’m a full-time consultant at Holistic. I listen to clients’ needs and goals, and, with the data team’s analyses and the facilitation team’s instructional offerings, help clients adopt best-practice solutions for making their workplaces more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. 


We’re interested in learning more about your background. How did you end up here?

I have an M.F.A. in creative writing and a B.A. in psychology. My work prior to Holistic has been in higher education, behavioral health research, and case management in relation to homelessness prevention. I am motivated by effective communication—how can I best listen and respond with words, data, stories, etc. to get through to people and offer solutions? 

What makes you excited about working for Holistic?

Consulting feels both like a new path and an amalgamation of everything I’ve ever done. I’m excited to be a part of a team that is as passionate about DEI as I am.

In your mind, what does a great employee experience look like?
Equity and visibility in and across the corporate ladder. We all want to be seen by our coworkers and company leaders for who we are and for the work that we do. We also want to feel like an equal amount of effort is being put in, that we’re not being comparatively overworked or under-utilized. 

Who is someone you admire?

If I’m being honest, my trans community gets a lot of my day-to-day admiration. Sure, that’s not one person, but that’s kind of the point. There are so many of us who are under-represented, under-employed, under-paid, under-appreciated for the power of our experiences, especially when you look at the intersections of race and trans-ness. To rise despite adversity takes so much strength and often a deep community focus, and I am so grateful to the folks who are fighting every day even when they’re not getting the recognition they deserve.

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 What do you do for fun?

I’m a fiction writer and a book reviewer. You can check out some of my reviews at

If you had an extra hour each day, what would you do with it?

I’d spend an extra hour with friends and family. The people in my inner circle always help me recharge.

Thank you for all that you do, Guthrie!