Welcome, Kenley!

We’re excited to introduce Kenley Ambroise, one of our fall interns! Learn more about his role as a business development intern, his career goals, and his passion for content creation.

Tell us about your role as an intern at Holistic. What do you do? Who do you work with?

At Holistic, I work as a business development intern, but I love to help out elsewhere when needed. I generally work with Tom, Tanja, and Han. I take on projects that allow me to express creativity and strengthen skills related to communication and client relations.

Where do you currently go to school? What do you study? Can you share a few of your career goals with us?

I go to school at the University of Chicago. Studying anthropology, I really like learning about people and the way we relate to each other in modern society. I like to look back at human history - how our ancestors lived, loved, and worked - because it provides an insight into our own motivations and potentialities. Career-wise, I’d like to eventually work in a dynamic role that allows me to make an impact while doing what I love - communicating and building relationships with others. In the short term, this means working at a place like Holistic to gain a host of transferable skills and needed mentorship to continue working towards my dream job.

What makes you excited about working for Holistic?

Holistic truly gave me a warm welcome when I started. I’m excited to work with caring and motivated individuals who know how to get a lot done while being great coworkers.

What do you do for fun?

For fun, I have started dabbling in content creation. I’d like to have my YouTube channel launched in the next few weeks, and I want to make engaging commentary videos on topics I care about. I see this as a chance to work on my journey of speaking unashamedly to the world. I also enjoy listening to music, especially from previous decades.

Who is someone you admire?

If I’m being honest (this is so cheesy), someone that I truly admire is Beyoncé. She has followed her passion and created success for herself. It gives me hope that my passions can also benefit me with whatever I want to do in my career. I have an affinity for the unconventional, which is one reason why I started working with a startup like Holistic. Seeking the unconventional, I’m hopeful that I will be led exactly where I need to be in life.

What are you listening to at the moment? Watching? Obsessed with?

I finally got on the train of watching Squid Game on Netflix. It has an interesting storyline and poses questions about poverty, bodily autonomy, and hierarchy. I totally recommend it!