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Intern Highlight: Lucas Vime-Olive

We’re excited to introduce Lucas Vime-Olive, our newest intern! Check out our recent interview with Lucas where we learn more about his role as an intern, future career goals, what he does for fun, and more!

Tell us about your role as an intern at Holistic. What do you do? Who do you work with?

My responsibilities at Holistic are centered around supporting members of the Holistic internal team. In my first week, I did everything from consolidating resources for Transgender Day of Visibility on behalf of our Client Managers to working on Search Engine Optimization for our blogs for the Communication team. I look forward to working with the entire Holistic team as my internship progresses.

Where do you currently go to school? What do you study? Can you share a few of your career goals with us?

I’m currently a third-year at Northwestern University studying Human Development and Psychological Services. After graduating, I hope to work in People Operations for any tech-based company helping expand their much-needed Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives.

What’s something you are proud of since joining Holistic?

I’ve only been a team member for two weeks, but I’ve had the opportunity to work on multiple projects that are each vastly different. Before starting, I was nervous that I would struggle to keep up with the team culture given my lack of professional experience. However, with the guidance of the Holistic team, I’ve surprised myself with how much I can accomplish through the course of a workweek. 

What’s something that has surprised you since joining Holistic?

Everyone’s willingness to make you feel like part of the team! It’s very easy to just throw rote tasks at an intern, but that is not the case at Holistic. For every project I’m assigned, I connect with my supervisor to know what I should be doing and questions are always welcomed. I can directly see the byproduct of my efforts and it reminds me that what I’m doing is meaningful to Holistic’s mission and the team members I’m supporting.

What do you do for fun?

My favorite thing to do has to be skateboarding to Northwestern’s Lakefill to listen to music and enjoy Chicago’s nighttime skyline. Hanging out with my COVID pod, watching 30 Rock, and writing short stories all come in as a close second. 

Thank you Lucas for all of your support!